
[랠리] 리차드 번즈 랠리(Richard burns rally) 키보드 세팅 본문


[랠리] 리차드 번즈 랠리(Richard burns rally) 키보드 세팅

naudhizb 2016. 3. 5. 14:36

리차드 번즈 랠리는 현존하는 랠리 게임 중에서 시뮬레이션이 가장 뛰어난 게임 중 하나로 손꼽힌다.

때문에 리차드 번즈 랠리를 키보드로 즐긴다는 것은 매우 요원한 일이다.

같은 속도로 들어가도 중간값을 입력할 수가 없으니… 툭하면 스핀나고.. ㅜㅜ


그러던 와중, 구글링을 통하여 키보드 필터 세팅으로 그나마 원활하게 게임을 즐길 수 있다는 소식을 듣고 찾아보았다.


아래는 외국 no grip racing의 스레드의 글과 몇몇 부분에 대한 번역입니다.
추가적으로 번역이 필요한 부분이 있으면 물어봐 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

I don't know what is the best possible setup. I can tell you, though, what I used for my personal quest of a lifetime: beat RBR champion AI with keyboard . I couldn't beat them in France, but reportedly vanilla RBR tarmac physics are not very realistic, so who cares 

(무엇이 최선의 세팅인지는 모르겠지만, 아래 세팅은 일생의 미션을 해결하기 위해 사용한 세팅이다. ->리차드 번즈 챌린지를 모두 깨는것이지./프랑스만 빼고…/ 다시금 말하지만, 기본 RBR 타막 물리엔지는 그닥 실제같지 않다.)

left: number pad 1
right: number pad 3
brake: number pad 2
throttle: d
gear up: s
gear down: a
hand brake: space bar
clutch ("clutch kick" is useful): left shift

filter settings:

curvatures: 0
rise and fall rates: instant
As for "speed sensitive steering" (the important setting, IMHO) I don't remember the exact values, but I think I settled on the default "slope" extended further down, so it could be:
maximum fade: ~15
saturation speed: ~14.3

This gives you a very direct, sometimes too abrupt, but 0 lag steering, 0 mushy feeling. The other approach would be finding the optimal rise and fall rate combined with the optimal curvatures, if that is possible at all. I gave up on that quest, though. I think I would still like the direct steering better. Instead of steering to the optimal angle (that you can't hold steady anyway) you tap many times briefly, the speed sensitive logic makes this manageable (as you can see in the video below). If anyone has found the other approach better I would be glad to hear about it.
이런 세팅에서는 거의 직접적인/또는 툭튀어나가는/ 느낌을 제공한다. 여기서 rise fall rate 바꾼다면 적절한 느낌을 얻을 있을 것이다. 각도를 바꾸는 것도 있지만, 키보드로 톡톡 치는 것으로 방향을 바꿀 있을 것이다. )

curvatures: 0
rise and fall: instant

Same principle.

curvatures: 0
rise rate: 10 or maybe instant (I used 10, I don't like instant on tarmac)
fall rate: instant

In this case, with instant braking I think you (at least not me) sometimes can't tap briefly enough. Brakes are too strong (they are water cooled in a WRC!), so a quick rise rate is needed.
랠리카의 경우 브레이크가 강력하기 때문에 어느정도 rise rate 필요하다)

Note: there is a bug in RBR with rise and fall rate settings, at least in my computer. To set the fall rate for "digital button" (in this case, keyboard key), you have to change the fall rate setting in the respective"axis" category (the setting you would change for analog controls: e.g., pedals).

Note 2: Remember it is advised to delete PC_InputFilter.ini file from the RBR folder. 

(노트 : RBR fall rate 버그가 있는 같다./적어도 컴퓨터에서는/ 아마 fall rate 디지털 버튼이 아니라 axis에서 변경하면 반영 것이다.
노트 2 : PC_inputFilter.ini 삭제하는 권장한다.)
I'm fairly happy with the filter settings but as for keyboard layout, I wonder if there is a more ergonomic (faster) one. I have tried to find it, the problem is, if I try another layout I don't know if I'm slower because of the new layout or because of me being unable to unlearn the old one. I would like to listen about other layouts.


I guess you can't be competitive online with keyboard, but, against the opinion of many, and unlike other simulators (i.e., not rally simulators), I think RBR is enjoyable (addictive ) with just a keyboard, a membrane 15 y/o in my case . This I think is because of the fundamental differences (physics involved) of rally, specifically loose surface rally vs circuit racing. 

P.S. I've only tried in earnest the subaru '03 with default setup. I remember having to increase the steering "fading" for other specific cars. The setting above made them too sensitive. In vanilla, the 206 IIRC. An alternative would be to decrease steering lock for those cars, I guess.
추신 : 세팅은 스바루 03 기준으로 세팅됨. 다른 차들은 스티어링 'fading' 높였던 것으로 기억한다. )
P.S.2 Two things I forgot: 

1 - The "new generation physics" cars (NGP) are easier to control, and more realistic. (don't need to make the game harder than reality ) There are "equivalents" for some of the vanilla cars, for example the subaru 2003. In RSRBR they are in the NGP car pack.
NGP 컨트롤하기 좀더 쉽고, 사실적이다. 몇몇 차의 경우 기존의 차와 같다.)
2 - I think it doesn't make much sense trying to play in some of the add-on stages with keyboard. Not enough fine control. Most of vanilla RBR roads have an exaggerated width, not as much as other games but still. Many of the add-on stages, Semetin for example, are accurately narrow and fast. That makes it too hard to keep the car inside the road IMHO. It could also be that I'm not a good enough driver, of course. In general, I don't enjoy tarmac RBR, at least vanilla, but gravel RBR is very fun even with keyboard.
기본 맵의 도로 폭은 좀더 과장된 너비를 가지고 있기 때문에, 키보드로 다른 추가 애드온 맵을 플레이 하는걸 권장하지 않는다. IMHO/in my humble opinion: 소견으로는/ 보통 나는 타막보다는 gravel// 으로 스테이지를 즐긴다.)

P.S.3 Reading this it sounds as if I was an expert on something, I'm not! Just a mediocre driver with too much free time! Don't believe everything I said. 
뭔가 내가 전문가라고 생각할 같지만, 아냐! 나는 그냥 그저 그런 플레이어고 그냥 여가시간을 많이 가지고 있을 뿐이지 ㅎㅎ 내가 말하는 것을 믿지는 )


