atmega128 커스텀 라이브러리 기본헤더와 avr라이브러리 헤더파일 종류 본문
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ////Define Macro #define F_CPU 16000000UL #define gbi(PORTX,bitX) ((PORTX & (1<<bitX))>>bitX) #define tbi(PORTX,bitX) PORTX ^= (1<<bitX) //#define sbi(PORTX,bitX) PORTX |= (1<<bitX) //#define cbi(PORTX,bitX) PORTX &= ~(1<<bitX) /*특정비트만 1로 설정하기 PORTE |= (1 << 특정포트); 특정비트만 0으로 설정하기 PORTE &= ~(1 << 특정포트); 특정비트만 그전값에 토글 PORTE ^= (1 << 특정포트);*/ ////Include Header #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <util/delay.h> | cs |
점점 추가해 나갈 예정입니다.
1. I2C bulk size read/write 함수 구현
2. SPI bulk size read/write 함수 구현
3. ADC read/set/freerun 함수 구현
4. PWM run함수 구현(1,3)
AVR Toolchain에서 기본적으로 제공하는 헤더들 목록
<alloca.h>: Allocate space in the stack
<assert.h>: Diagnostics
<ctype.h>: Character Operations
<errno.h>: System Errors
<inttypes.h>: Integer Type conversions
<math.h>: Mathematics
<setjmp.h>: Non-local goto
<stdint.h>: Standard Integer Types
<stdio.h>: Standard IO facilities
<stdlib.h>: General utilities
<string.h>: Strings
<avr/boot.h>: Bootloader Support Utilities
<avr/eeprom.h>: EEPROM handling
<avr/fuse.h>: Fuse Support
<avr/interrupt.h>: Interrupts
<avr/io.h>: AVR device-specific IO definitions
<avr/lock.h>: Lockbit Support
<avr/pgmspace.h>: Program Space Utilities
<avr/power.h>: Power Reduction Management
<avr/sfr_defs.h>: Special function registers
Additional notes from <avr/sfr_defs.h>
<avr/signature.h>: Signature Support
<avr/sleep.h>: Power Management and Sleep Modes
<avr/version.h>: avr-libc version macros
<avr/wdt.h>: Watchdog timer handling
<util/atomic.h> Atomically and Non-Atomically Executed Code Blocks
<util/crc16.h>: CRC Computations
<util/delay.h>: Convenience functions for busy-wait delay loops
<util/delay_basic.h>: Basic busy-wait delay loops
<util/parity.h>: Parity bit generation
<util/setbaud.h>: Helper macros for baud rate calculations
<util/twi.h>: TWI bit mask definitions
<compat/deprecated.h>: Deprecated items
<compat/ina90.h>: Compatibility with IAR EWB 3.x
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